How to Wear Dress Shirts More Casually? - Handbags, Lingerie, Jewelry & Gadgets for Women and Men at Mb Fashion Group Skip to main content

Over the years, we must have noticed that the conventional “shirt and tie” attire has changed towards a more casual manner of dresses. Even in a professional setting, you’ll see that men are adding their look on display – and oddly, it’s working out for them. However, dress shirts are still part of the game, and it’s here to stay. But it’s time you find out how to wear dress shirts more casually.

A Bad Boy-esque Professional Look

The easiest thing you can do to elevate the look of your dress shirt is to ditch the tie and unbutton a couple of buttons at the top. If you like wearing a coat on top of it, remove the boots to give it a more casual feel. Add sneakers in the mix with ankle socks. Something to ponder, don’t you think?

Untuck the Dress Shirt

Casual shirts were designed to be generally untucked, but did you know that you can untuck a dress shirt and still rock it? Many dress shirts designed today are tailored to be worn tucked or untucked. So, you can get yourself dress shirts with contrasting buttons and create your style with Denim Jeans or even a Chino for a fabulous Friday.

Timeless Khaki-Dress Shirt Combination

If you’re looking for something casual and classic to wear to work on a troublesome Tuesday, it’s time to bring out the khaki-dress shirt combination. This style has been part of the game for some time now. The best part is that you can elevate it by adding a luxury watch or some brogues for better flair. However, do remember that your shirt and trousers should be clean, crisp, and fit to perfection.

Summing Up

Long gone are when work professionals wore dress shirts with dress pants and a tie to complete the look. These days, it’s all about looking your best with what you have. However, it’s good to keep things professional in a work setting; that means dress shirts must BE INCLUDED!

So, what are you waiting for? Browse through our dress shirt collection on our online store. So whether you want to go casually or give yourself a formal look, we have the products you need. Visit our website today.


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